Three.js : - Running Local Server via Python
Three.js : - Running Local Server via Python
Three.js is a JavaScript library and application programming interface that can be used to display 3D models and interactive 3D content and games for the web.
More info here:
When developing content for webpages, and testing locally browsers need to have a local webhost to display media content like 3d models, and
One way to do this is by setting up a local web server with Python.
Here are the steps:
1. Install Python (3.x)
2. Open Windows Command prompt (CMD) and go to folder where webpage to be run is located: e.g. : C:\WebsiteLocation\
3. Type into CMD: python -m http.server
4. To run: - Open Browser
- Type: http://localhost:8000/
Another way to preview locally hosted content is to use the free IDE Brackets, from Adobe. Here is the link: